
Did you know that over 1,000,000 people throughout the United States have Parkinson’s disease? This is an alarming number. However, it is vital for everyone to know this, as Parkinson’s disease isn’t talked about as much as it should be. 

Does your elderly loved one have reduced fine motor skills, tremors while at rest, or muscle stiffness? If they have at least 2 of these 3 symptoms, they might have Parkinson’s disease. If these things are happening, you should schedule your elderly loved one a doctor’s appointment and bring up these concerns with them. 

If your elderly loved one does have Parkinson’s disease, you may want to learn more about what you should and shouldn’t do.

Go to Appointments with Them

Parkinson's Home Care at Home South Windsor, CT: Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s Home Care at Home South Windsor, CT: Parkinson’s Disease

If your elderly loved one does have Parkinson’s disease, it would be beneficial for someone to accompany them to appointments. It could be you, another family member, or a Parkinson’s home care provider. Once someone is at the appointment with your elderly loved one, they can listen to any treatment changes or recommendations and ask questions, too. 

Tracking Symptoms

Another thing that you or a home care provider can help your elderly loved one to do is track their symptoms. Earlier in the disease, only one side of the body will likely be affected. Unfortunately, there isn’t a cure for Parkinson’s disease right now, so the symptoms will progressively get worse. There are medications that can help in the earlier stages of this disease, so it is important that someone helps your elderly loved one to keep track of any symptoms and changes in their disease. That way, these changes can be discussed with their doctor. 

Find Out Each Person’s Role

It is also important that everyone involved in your elderly loved one’s care has a role. For instance, the Parkinson’s home care providers may be the ones to give your elderly loved one medication reminders and take them to appointments. Companion care providers may give medication reminders and help with basic daily tasks. You might run errands or do the grocery shopping. It would also be helpful to make a list of the things that everyone does for your elderly loved one. This way, there isn’t any confusion as to who is supposed to do what. This list should be given to everyone involved in your elderly loved one’s care. It should be left somewhere safe at your elderly loved one’s home, too. 


These are some of the things that you may want or need to know about Parkinson’s disease and what should be done for your elderly loved one. Now that you know about these things, you can work with the Elder Home Care providers, companion care providers, and others involved in your elderly loved one’s care to determine who should be doing what tasks for them. Once this is determined, it will make it much less chaotic to care for your elderly loved one. 

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Parkinson’s Home Care at Home in South Windsor, CT please contact the caring staff at Happy Home Care LLC today. (860) 709-1072





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