Daylight Savings Time takes place on Sunday, March 12th. When the time changes again, it can be hard for people with Alzheimer’s disease. How can you help your mom get ready for the time change?
Learn More About Sundowning
Sundowning is an aspect of dementia where certain behaviors like delusions and aggression increase at specific times of day. Sundowning is often tied to the setting sun. As a room becomes shadowy as the sun starts lowering in the sky, sundowning behaviors may arise.
The good news with daylight savings time is that the sun sits higher in the sky later in the day. If you’re used to sundowning behaviors while you’re trying to start dinner, you’ll find it’s a little easier.
But, it does also mean that the sun is still out later into the evening. If you’re usually trying to get your mom to bed at 9 p.m., and it’s still light outside, you may struggle a bit. Invest in light-blocking shades or curtains to make her room as dark as possible.
The mornings may be lighter, and that can mean she’s up earlier. Get alarms on the doors and windows that go off if she’s trying to go outside without you. You’ll need to be ready to redirect her or she could wander off.
Weather Gets Warmer
As the weather gets warmer, you can start to get outside more. Take your mom on longer walks. Get her to work on the garden with you, if she enjoys that. She can sit outside and watch birds or toss a ball for the family dog.
Gardening is one way to keep her happy all summer, especially if she enjoyed gardening in the past. Colorful flowers, fragrant herbs, and fruits and veggies she can pick right off the vine or plants are ideal. You want to choose flowers that are safe for her to eat, as her judgment isn’t always going to be the best.
If you struggle to find time to occupy your mom throughout the day, consider hiring Alzheimer’s Home Care services.
Schedule Alzheimer’s Home Care
Do you take care of yourself while also helping your mom? You need to take breaks, and some of her care needs may start to be too much for you to handle by yourself.
As Alzheimer’s disease progresses, it gets harder and harder to ensure your mom has the help she needs with everything from Personal Home Care to feeding. She’s not likely to appreciate or even want your help. Talk to your family about the importance of Alzheimer’s Home Care. Your mom has the help she needs, and you have the break you need. It’s especially important as there will be days that your mom is combative and sometimes a stranger makes a difference in how she reacts to requests.
Arrange Alzheimer’s Home Care services by making a call. Talk to a specialist about your mom’s health and how far Alzheimer’s has progressed. You’ll create a care plan from there.